Case Study



From Dependent and Time-Sucking to Self-Reliant and Autonomous – How One Medium-sized, Union-Environment Organisation Upskilled their People

Approached by the MD to develop more of a coaching and feedback culture in their organisation with the target of training 20 middle and senior leaders.

Presenting Problems

  • Staff were overly-reliant on the executive team to help them find solutions and make decisions
  • Staff were issue-oriented, seeing obstacles, and feeling uncertain
  • Staff were silo’d in their problem-solving and impact across the organisation

Specific Goals Included

  • To develop their own solutions and be less reliant on the executive team.
  • To practice more coaching behaviours such as listening and asking questions and “tell” or give advice less.
  • To realise the benefits of working collaboratively and become less silo’d in their thinking and behaviour.


Through the lens of our proven EQ Leadership Formula Model, we did a needs assessment to determine the impact and outcome they wanted. We then designed the interventions that would be best suited to achieve those outcomes as development was needed across all four quadrants of our EQ model.

The needs assessment determined the following highly experiential interventions were necessary:

  • Workshops on how to Coach in the workplace
  • Workshops on how to Give Feedback – both constructive and confidence-building
  • Observations of executive leaders coaching with each other with full debriefings

This last invention of training, observing and supervising key executive team leaders had two benefits:

  • For the executives to role model the ideal coaching behaviours and growth mindset to the middle and senior leaders.
  • To have the executive leaders realise their role in creating the ‘reliance’ of the senior leaders on coming to them for solutions and decisions.


90% of participants felt the training was relevant to their needs.  The key decision maker said they want Sue and Anne to continue working with them to further embed the learning, and to support the culture change.

Quality of Training
Quality of Instructors
Net Promotor Score (deemed exceptional score)
Feedback Included

Feedback Included

Really useful skills that can benefit work and home life”

“Clear explanations, with great practical activities”

“Engaging, interactive, interesting and useful”

“It was more relevant to my role than I initially thought”

Our programme sponsor said this at the end of the programme:

“The feedback I have received has been really positive, and they have got a lot out of the sessions. We have noticed them using the methods shared in your sessions and I know for sure that they have started using the feedback during professional growth and monitoring sessions”.
